In onion cultivation, a number of plant processes play a crucial role that determine the final yield and grading. A grower can positively influence these processes by applying the right fertilisers and biostimulants at the right time.
The products below are options for use in onion cultivation. Discuss with your advisor what is the best application for you.
Select a stage for more information
Optima Leaf-MnZn+ | 3-8 applications of 1 - 1,5 L/ha from planting/emergence |
Bladtoepassing bij specifiek nutriëntengebrek - 3 tot 8 keer product uit de Optima Leaf-range: 1,0 - 1,5 liter/ha (dus de producten Optima Leaf-Trace, Optima Leaf-Fe+, Optima Leaf-Mn+, Optima Leaf-Zn+) (vanaf planten/opkomst)
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Leaf formation
Optima Leaf-MnZn+ | 3-8 applications of 1 - 1,5 L/ha from planting/emergence |
Foliar application in case of specific nutrient deficiency - 3 to 8 times product of the Optima Leaf range: 1,0 - 1.5 L/ha (the products: Optima Leaf-Trace, Optima Leaf-Fe+, Optima Leaf-Mn+, Optima Leaf-Zn+) (From planting/emergence)
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Bulb formation
Optima Leaf-MnZn+ | 3-8 applications of 1 - 1,5 L/ha from planting/emergence |
Foliar application in case of specific nutrient deficiency - 3 to 8 times product of the Optima Leaf range: 1,0 - 1.5 L/ha (the products: Optima Leaf-Trace, Optima Leaf-Fe+, Optima Leaf-Mn+, Optima Leaf-Zn+) (From planting/emergence)
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Filling of the bulbs
Possible products:
Optima Leaf-K | 3 applications of 3 - 5 L/ha during bulb filling |
Optima Leaf-MnZn+ | 3-8 applications of 1 - 1,5 L/ha from planting/emergence |
Optima Leaf-KS | 3 applications of 3 - 5 L/ha during bulb filling |
Foliar application in case of specific nutrient deficiency - 3 to 8 times product of the Optima Leaf range: 1,0 - 1.5 L/ha (the products: Optima Leaf-Trace, Optima Leaf-Fe+, Optima Leaf-Mn+, Optima Leaf-Zn+) (From planting/emergence)
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When turning yellow
Soiltech has no products for this stage.